This is a generalized protocol and may need modifications. We recommended you perform these exercises under the supervision of your physiotherapist and also stick to your surgeon’s advice.
Phase 1: (1-3 weeks) Goals
- Restore non-painful range of motion (ROM)
- Retard muscular atrophy
- Decrease pain/inflammation
- Improve postural awareness
- Minimize stress to healing structures
- Independent with activities of daily living (ADLs)
- Prevent muscular inhibition
- Wean off sling
- Care should be taken with abduction (with both active range of motion (AROM) and passive range of motion (PROM) to avoid unnecessary compression of subacromial structures
- Creating or reinforcing poor movement patterns, such as excessive scapulothoracic motion with upper extremity elevation, should be avoided.
Range of Motion:
- PROM (non-forceful flexion and abduction)
- Active assisted range of motion (AAROM)
- Pendulums
- Pulleys
- Cane exercises
- Isometrics: scapular musculature, deltoid, and rotator cuff as appropriate
- Cryotherapy
Criteria for progression to phase 2:
- Full active and passive ROM
- Minimal pain and tenderness
Phase 2: Intermediate Phase (3-6 Weeks) Goals:
- Regain and improve muscular strength
- Normalize arthrokinematics
- Improve neuromuscular control of shoulder complex
- Initiate isotonic program with dumbbells
- Strengthen shoulder musculature- isometric, isotonic (theraband internal and external rotation in 0 degrees abduction), Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
- Strengthen scapulothoracic musculature- isometric, isotonic, PNF
- Initiate upper extremity endurance exercises
Manual Treatment:
- Joint mobilization to improve/restore arthrokinematics if indicated
- Joint mobilization for pain modulation
- Cryotherapy
- Electrical stimulation – inferential current to decrease swelling and pain (as indicated and/or needed)
Criteria for Progression to Phase 3:
- Full painless ROM
- No pain or tenderness on examination
Phase 3: Dynamic (Advanced) Strengthening Phase: (6 weeks and beyond) Goals:
- Improve strength, power, and endurance
- Improve neuromuscular control
- Prepare athlete to begin to throw, and perform similar overhead activities or other sport specific activities
Emphasis of Phase 3:
- High speed, high energy strengthening exercises
- Eccentric exercises
- Diagonal patterns
- Continue dumbbell strengthening (rotator cuff and deltoid)
- Progress theraband exercises to 90/90 position for internal rotation and external rotation(slow/fast sets)
- Theraband exercises for scapulothoracic musculature and biceps
- Plyometrics for rotator cuff
- PNF diagonal patterns
- Isokinetics
- Continue endurance exercises